
Looks like Baltimore's copying the London buses posters (remember those watchful eyes?)

This is along the same lines, only with a more British tone, as the previous item on sprawl that I blogged. He is right: suburbia does yield more biodiversity than intensive agriculture. But again, what about energy use and cars, what about long-term sustainability. (viaUrban Cartography)

Have you noticed that Google is commemorating Frank Lloyd Wright's birthday with a special logo? That's the kind of thing that makes me think they must be OK to work for...(via A Daily Dose of Architecture and Slashdot)

And in more Google news, this is pretty interesting and could be damn useful for all us architectural/urban design types, assuming they're going to make it pretty accurate...the days of counting bricks to measure your site may be numbered...(via Boing Boing)

Cuban immigrants doing it in style.



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