Mustard and mutton

My father always used to tease me because whenever we had cold leftover roast lamb I would always eat it with mustard. He used to say 'Mustard with mutton is the sign of a glutton'.

Well, I am still a glutton. Yesterday the boy cooked a most marvellously delicious leg of lamb for dinner (us and a couple of friends. He's the one who is good at cooking roast things, I'm useless at it.) Today I am mooching around the flat trying to work and eating cold lamb for lunch with Coleman's mustard, just like in my childhood. Heavenly.


Anonymous said…
dear Hana san

You may feel creepy but I have been to your parents house almost five years ago. My man's mother orginizes a book festival(Ways With Words) in Southwold, and I was introduced to your mother. She invited us for tea at her place, where I discovered her origin and exsitance of you. I have always meant to write her a proper letter and last week I managed to get hold of Irene san's address so I was going to write her a letter. Today I suddenly missed the taste of Adnams and was looking its home pages. I remebered your name and I got interested what you are up googled your website.

Excuse my sudden comment which is nothing to do with the mutton and mustard, though I agree with the combo.

I will drop a line to your other blog and leave my deatils, so if you feel like, reply me.

Keiko Yamamoto.


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