things from my freezer

I never really kept a well-stocked freezer in London. Sure, I had frozen home-made stock and frozen peas, and some tomato sauce, but it was never really full. Here, however, it's another matter. I don't know whether it's my solo status here, the lack of a real social scene, the lack of food shops or what, but I've really discovered the uses of a freezer. I never have time to really shop and the shopping here is so uninspiring as to make that after-work visit to the Pig a chore rather than a delight. But with occasional gluts of produce finding their way into my hands, odd forays into the world of real shops and so forth, I now find myself more often than not cooking up at the weekend a whole array of things to decant into tupperware and serve in the week, and freezing many other things to boot.

The contents of my freezer at the moment are:

Tomato sauce (about 8 servings).

Pumpkin soup (about 2/3 servings)

Split pea soup(2 servings)

Fish stew (1 serving)

Fish stock (2 pints)

2 whole chickens

2 ribeye steaks

1 pack 'Italian' sausages

venison ribs

venison stewmeat

ground venison

venison cut for roasting

green peas



french fries (for when all you want is a steak frites salade)

I surprise myself. Some might say, I'm old before my time. But, when most nights I eat alone and really all I want is something simple and fast, I'm so pleased to be able to give myself something homecooked and nourishing rahter than reaching for the cereal packet, like others I know.



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