what I ate last: bbq pork, beans and slaw (very good) at Mike and Ed's, Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa

OK, why does that ALWAYS happen. You are about five minutes away from serving up the meal of your week, when your eating companion suddenly has to do something. Actually, this has several forms:

a) As you are putting the plates on the table, someone needs to go to the bathroom. So everyone else has to wait while their food grows cold/overcooked/deflated. For me this is the ultimate rudeness. You were warned ten minutes ago that we were about ready to eat soon, so why didn't you go then?

b) You have told your dinner guests to arrive for a certain time, allowed for the fact that they will be half an hour late and then will want to spend half an hour talking before they sit down, yet they STILL arrive late and your timing screwed.

c) Today's scenario: your roommate suddenly has to run out and rescue a damsel in distress who is having an allergic reaction to a wasp bite. As in, was on the phone when suddenly the person on the other end starts gasping or something, and so he hurriedly exits, while asking whether you know where the nearst hospital is. Good thing I hadn't put the spinach on yet. Good thing the meat needs, erm, an hours resting time. Good thing the courgettes I just started to saute have time to go all limp. Good thing I haven't had time to cook properly since Monday and I was really looking forward to a good meal and now I have to wait.

What does one do? Sod the stupid lovelorn bastard and eat without him, consuming the rest of that bottle of wine at the same time and leaving him cold leftovers? or do as I am now doing - blogging while consuming the rest of the bottle of wine and waiting patiently to resume the eating ritual. He's been gone half an hour and counting.


Anonymous said…
YOu definitely eat first. And he should persuade too as well.

Unless you companion is dashingly handsome/beautiful and you're expecting him to feed you in a silly yet romantic way. In this case, you're in more of a quandry...


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