In brief: Takeovers and other news.

Derwent Valley is buying London Merchant Securities for £1bn to create a combined £2.25bn portfolio of mainly commercial West End property.

In other takeover news, Crest Nicholson is in talks with consortium HBOS despite rejecting a £660m takeover offer from them last Friday, and Henderson has increased its bid for John Laing in the bidding war with Allianz.

GMW Architects with developer Hammerson is on the verge of being appointed to the massive redevelopment of Victoria Station in central London.

Land Secs posted a healthy rise in net asset value ahead of its confirmed conversion to a REIT in January.

The last details of Argent's s106 agreement will go to Camden committee on Thursday. The remaining objectors are expected to protest but it should, hopefully, be a formality.

A new unit has been set up by the government to provide independent advice on improving the provision of affordable homes. The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit will help provide evidence and analysis to regional planning bodies.
