About me

 I'm a designer, a 'town and country planner' as the silly title has it, and a writer. 

Some things I'm interested in:

  • Places - particularly those that aren't cities - and the cultures that shape them.
  • Rules and regulations and their unintended consequences
  • Designing better processes for making stuff in the world and making it good stuff rather than bad stuff.
  • Food and cooking culture. I used to have a dedicated food blog but I decided to merge them all into one, so if you come across random recipes, that's why.
  • Books. I love reading. I post every book I read on my Instagram but really I should post them here, so perhaps I'll start.
Some things I've worked on:
  • Designing buildings - I've run an architecture practice for 17 years, and we've done a few we're proud of.
  • Strategies for places - including some of the most interesting and most challenging in the country.
  • Policy - for planning how we use land, what we build on it, and how that's designed.
I've written for a number of books, journals and other platforms. A full list is on my writing page.
