Weeknotes w/c 25 October 2021
One of the things about localgov work is that it doesn't often fit neatly with family life. There are limited windows in the year between elections to get stuff through member scrutiny and out to consultation between election cycles. Having spent all August getting a massive amount of planning work into Council scrutiny at the start of September, I've now spent all of half term preparing to launch a big Local Plan consultation on 1 November. Luckily our half term plans were blown off course anyway by a child catching Covid, so it was lockdown at home for one half of the family, while the other half went jollying up to Scotland 🤔 Last weekend I spent a lovely evening talking to with my old friend Ambrose Gillick for his podcast A is for Architecture . I talked about planning and participation and what it is I try to do. Then this week has been a flurry of logistical preparations, writing briefing notes about everything under the sun while overseeing printing, digital plan finet...