WorldChanging posts

It occurred to me that I should really be posting up here when I have a piece go up on WorldChanging as y'all might be interested to read them...particularly as I have SO little time right now to blog here in any meaningful way.

So - here's a quick round-up of the stuff I've written up so far. I only post once a fortnight or so and the posts tend to be on the long side (surprise!) but still, I try to think of it as keeping up the journalistic side of the blogging spectrum...

I posted last on Ecoliteracy and the Edible Schoolyard.

Here's a book review of Mayer Hillman's fantastic How we can save the planet. I was surprised that no-one had written it up on WC before, so did the honours.

Here's one on low-carbon policies with reference to what our own dear Ken Livingstone is doing here in London.

And another political one, this time on the growing debate within British politics and how green issues have suddenly gone mainstream.

And finally, my first ever post, which celebrated my father's retirement, on his rather fab warehouse in Suffolk.
