Thames Gateway news

A roundup from the bleak, beautiful brownfields...

The London Thames Gateway DC has released its corporate plan for the next two years - £100m worth of investment including £17m for Canning Ton Centre, £15m for Rainham, and £25m for Barking. Also in the plan - £15m to put in new locks nad clear the channels so that by 2012, water taxis and pleasure craft can ply the Lea navigations without worrying about the tides. The plan is downladable from here.

Urban Splash will be building their first major development in London if they wins the tender for redeveloping the St Andrew's Hospital site next to Bromley-by-Bow. they haven't announced who their architect partner wil be yet, but they are up against all the usual suspects. After their success in Canning Town, my money's on Countryside with KCAP/Maccreanor Lavington.

After all the Prescott/Dome/casino furore, Ken Livingstone has expressed his 'support' for the project as a 'keystone' of Gateway development. Surely the whole thing is a storm in a teacup, again?
